Thursday, May 24, 2007

i'll admit it

I love technology.

Technology eases.

Without it we would live like cro-magnons.

Though even Cro-Magnons showed signs of technology.

We are a species driven by technology.

Everything must be bigger, smaller, faster, easier, etc.

Fire allowed survival, survival allowed development, development lead to technology.

Any who.

I love the idea that I can have a how shower, I can turn on a light, and cook my food on an electric stove.


technology equals good.

chelsea equals awesome.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


refer to last blog.


Thursday, May 3, 2007

come on kids

i know this is a lot to ask and i am in fact no grammar queen but can some of you at least read over your writing?

the odd spelling mistake is fine, but SHEESH.

i am angry, over worked, and tired of the horrendous amount of spelling errors in blogs.

should i put this in my portfolio?

the following is a piece in question of if it should go into my writing portfolio.
it was the found poem we did a while back.

Orthodox war,
God is winning.

Disenchanted Zionists,
With assumed future.

A trickle of faith,
And a wave of six wars.

New Jewish prototype,
A robust hybrid nation.

The frontier age is over,
A Judaism comeback.

Israel political life,
A simple war to a complex question.

They too await the messiah.

Orthodoxy Fundamentalism.

They too closed up the heaven's forever.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Dear readers,
I have been informed that i must teach you something i know best.
In my opinion the only thing i slightly know about is music and film.
Here is a very informative list:

1. Dan Sartain. AKA 1950's for the 2007's
- Walk Among the Cobras PT. 1
2. Josh Ritter. AKA folkish/alt country
- Girl in the War
3. Patti Smith. AKA most punk rock female ever.
-Rock n' Roll n*gger
4. Arab Strap. AKA i dare you to google what their name means.
- Cherubs
5. Mogwai. AKA scotlands best.
- Auto Rock
6. Bardo Pond. AKA instrumentals finest.
- Dilate7.
The Constantines. AKA driving music and i don't even drive.
- Hotline Operator
8. American Analog Set. AKA sleeping music
- Aaron and Maria
9. Grandaddy. AKA good movie music
- Jed the Humanoid
10. Scarface. AKA feel good hiphop
- On My Block
11. Archers of Loaf. AKA so 90's
- White Trash Heroes
12. Hot Snakes. AKA punk rock
- Love Birds
13. Silver Jews. AKA also so 90's
- How to rent a room
14. Teenager Prayers. AKA wicked buddy holly sound
- Oh
15. Pavement. AKA the band every indie kid should know
- Range Life

1. Things To Do. Really awesome sundance film.
2. Cannibal the Musical. Trey parker presents.
3. Down by Law. Tom waits is in it, therefore amazing.
4. Wrong Eye'd Jesus. Awesome documentry on the deep south of america.
5. Leon the Professional. About a 12 year old girl falling in love with a 40 year old hit man. What else do you need?
6. Dig. Sweet documentry on wild 90's bands.
7. Rushmore. Wes Anderson.
8. Dr. Strangelove. "there is no fighting in the war room!"
9. Jesus' Son. About an addict who is believes he is jesus' son.
10. Broken Flowers. Bill murray. 'Nuff said.
11. Magnolia. Aimee man does the sound track, making this movie so beautiful.
12. Closer. Did not expect this movie to be as amazing as it is.
13. Amelie. Cutest movie ever.
14. Dirty Pretty Things. A sad truth about treatment of immigrants.
15. Full Metal Jacket. Need i say more?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

i am havin' trouble writing

i have writing 12, english 12, and art 12.

and i have never, ever, ever felt so drained of creativity.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

a tragic moment

a tragic moment in my life would be the day i grew breasts.
at the time i was totally unaware of the fact that i had any at all, as i was too distracted by playing games and watching PMK.
i was in my room with my cousin listening to some prozzack at the time totally illin' talking about life and stuff, when my mom came barging in and looked at me and said "damn chelsea! were going to have to get you a bra soon!"

i started to cry.

this was the end of my life.

me? a bra? NO WAY.

at this point in my life i refused to even acknowledge that i was a girl!

anyways after i stop crying and covering up my chest my mom dragged me to buy my first "brassier".

it was a painful tragic moment of my life.

i still hate my "breasts", i have this theory that i'll eventually get breast cancer and i can get them cut off.

maybe i'll fake it.